Friday, December 15, 2017

What you need to know before buying lottery tickets as a gift

Author: Quinetta Womack, Director of Problem Gambling Services

A quick Google search shows pages and pages of ideas on ways to give lottery tickets as gifts or as decorations for the holidays. This isn’t unusual as gambling is often characterized as being harmless fun. During the holidays well-meaning parents and relatives often give lottery tickets, scratch-offs and other gambling games to children, allowing the child to dream, if just for a minute, of having all the toys in the world.

In reality, no one ever points out that the odds of hitting the jackpot are miniscule. Instead, we are actually, but inadvertently, promoting gambling to our children.  According to the Association of Problem Gambling (APGSA), studies show that some of the highest rates of problematic gambling are among young people under age 18. This simple stocking stuffer, given with all good intentions, can help promote problem gambling. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

How we are helping providers better serve people with complex developmental disabilities and medical needs

Author: Mark Thomas, Assistant Secretary, Louisiana Department of Health
Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities

In Louisiana, there are over 38,000 people identified as eligible for services in our disability data system.  They are your friends, relatives, parents and children.  At the Louisiana Department of Health, we strive to assist those with disabilities who need our support and services. 

These benefits are achieved through our Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities, or OCDD, which serves as the single-point-of-entry into the developmental disabilities services system and oversees public/private residential services and other services for people with developmental disabilities. Local human services districts/authorities serve as the points of entry* for individuals to receive those services.