Whether it’s from a motor vehicle accident, a fall, a
near-drowning experience, physical assault or some other trauma, a traumatic
head and/or spinal cord injury can be a life-changing event. This kind of event
doesn’t just affect the individual — it also impacts the lives of their loved
ones, who may eventually become the caregiver, assisting with daily living
activities like bathing and dressing.

The Louisiana Department of Health’s, Office of Aging and Adult
Services administers the THSCI
Program, which includes but is not limited to processing admissions to
the program, paying service providers for services on behalf of eligible
individuals and reviewing Plans of Care. In addition, the Brain Injury Association of Louisiana (BIALA)
serves as the program’s designated resource center for people with traumatic
head and/or spinal cord injuries.
may be eligible for assistance through the program?
Louisiana residents who have suffered a traumatic head and/or spinal
cord injury may apply for program assistance.
A traumatic head injury
is caused by an external physical force, such as falls, which affect the brain,
producing diminished or altered state of consciousness. The injury can lead to impaired
cognitive and/or physical functioning. Degenerative or congenital conditions do
not meet the definition of traumatic head injury as it relates to the program. For
example, a person with Alzheimer’s would not be eligible for the THSCI program.
Similar to traumatic head injury, a spinal cord injury is caused by an external force, such as a car accident.
This kind of injury can lead to paraplegia (paralysis of the legs and lower
body) or quadriplegia (paralysis of both the arms and legs). Degenerative and
congenital conditions do not meet the definition of spinal cord injury as it relates to
the program. For example, a person with spina bifida would not be eligible for
the THSCI program.
To be determined eligible for services, a person must:
- Meet the definition of traumatic head/spinal cord injury (above), per their treating physician
- Be a resident of Louisiana and officially domiciled in Louisiana at the time of the injury and while receiving services
- Have a reasonable expectation to gain improvement in functional outcome with assistance, per their treating physician
- Have exhausted all other Medicare and Medicaid sources as attested to by the applicant
- Provide proof of denial from other sources, if requested
- Be willing to accept services from an approved facility or program
- Complete and submit the appropriate application for services
- Cooperate with program requirements
services are available?
Participants work with their assigned case manager to develop a Participant
Service Plan that offers flexible services aimed at improving how they function
in their homes and communities as it relates to their injuries. Eligible
participants may receive services including, but not limited to:
- Evaluations and therapies
- Post-acute medical care rehabilitation
- Home and vehicle accessibility modifications
- Medication and medical supplies
- Personal Care Attendant Services
- Equipment necessary for activities of daily living
- Transportation for non-emergency medical appointments
- Other goods and services deemed appropriate and necessary
- Post-acute medical care rehabilitation

Service providers must be THSCI Program approved, with in-state
facilities and programs receiving priority. All services are on a first-come,
first-served basis.
there a cap on what I can receive?
An individual’s expenditures are limited to $15,000 for any
12-month period or $50,000 total per person per lifetime
do I apply?
Call (225) 219-2410 or (888) 891-9441 for questions, additional information
or to have an application for services sent to you. You can also download and
print the application at this link. Mail the completed forms with
original signatures to the THSCI Trust Fund Program, P.O. Box 2031 – Bin #14,
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-2031.
Additional resources are available through the Brain Injury Association of
Louisiana Resource Center, 8325 Oak St., New Orleans, LA
70118. The association also staffs a 24-hour support line at (504) 982-0685.
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